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Chip Hardwick

From your Synod Executive...

Happy New Year!  As the calendar turns to 2024, together we can celebrate all the new things God will be doing in the new year.  One of the most exciting things here at the Synod in the new year is the hiring of two new staff people:  Matt Aragon-Bruce as the Director of the Cultivating the Gift of Preaching Initiative and Tim Pollock as the Commissioned Ruling Elder/Commissioned Pastor Coordinator. 

Matt Aragon-Bruce (Lake Michigan Presbytery) begins as the Director of the Cultivating the Gift of Preaching Initiative on January 8, 2024.   In this position, he will guide the implementation of the $1.25 million grant that we received from the Lilly Endowment’s Compelling Preaching grant program.  A systematic theologian by training, Matt has taught at several colleges and seminaries and is the theologian-in-residence at First Presbyterian Church of Grand Haven (MI).  You can learn more about him here.

Tim Pollock (Muskingum Valley Presbytery) begins as the Commissioned Ruling Elders (CREs)/Commissioned Pastors Coordinator on January 11, 2024.  In this position, he will work with presbyteries to advance their CRE ministries and explore common training standards.  A CRE himself serving full time at Bloomfield United in New Concord (OH), Tim’s gifts include communications and theological acumen.  He is working toward an MDiv at Fuller Seminary.  You can read more about Tim here.

The rest of the staff and I are so excited to work with Tim and Matt, and really look forward to seeing how God uses their ministry to support and strengthen our presbyteries and churches.  Their emails will be and, but will not be available until they begin later this month.  Please join me in praying for them and their ministry!


God bless you throughout 2024, 


Rev. Charles B Hardwick, PhD  



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