Last week we had our Synod assembly, and my report focused on our work toward the ministry focus areas we adopted in May: 1/ supporting and equipping leadership for the church, 2/ strengthening our most vulnerable congregations, 3/ developing antiracist practices and structures, 4/ eradicating systemic poverty, and 5/ connecting synods, presbyteries, churches, and leaders. I thought you might be interested to hear about our work in each of these areas.

1/ Supporting and Equipping Leadership for the Church
Our efforts in this area revolve mostly around various leadership workshops. For instance, we now have 33 monthly preaching workshops videos on our YouTube channel on a wide variety of subjects ( We offered boundaries training throughout the Synod in 2024 through our partnership with LeaderWise (LeaderWise), and will offer Childhood Protection Training in 2025. Our partner Science for the Church ( just offered two workshops on The Psychology of Polarization, with another to come in January (you can find them here: .
2/ Strengthening Our Most Vulnerable Congregations
The two ways we most significant ways that we are working here is through the Cultivating the Gift of Preaching program and the ministry with Commissioned Ruling Elders/Commissioned Pastors. You can read columns from Matt Aragon-Bruce and Tim Pollock about these ministries elsewhere in this newsletter to learn more, but one highlight not to be missed is that the Cultivating the Gift of Preaching Initiative to train congregation members to preach has opened the application process for the 6/25-11/26 cohort: Participant Application | Synod Of The Covenan.
3/ Developing Anti-Racist Practices and Structures
We’re making progress in three ways here. First and most importantly, we are searching for an Associate Executive for Racial Justice (see the job posting here and invite anyone in your circles who might be a good fit to apply! Seeking Full-Time Associate Executive for Racial Justice). We have also changed our by-laws in order to include more leaders who are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color among our commissioners. Finally, we are partnering with Crossroads Antiracism Training and Organizing to offer Critical Cultural Competency Zoom workshops early in 2025—watch this space!
4/ Eradicating Systemic Poverty
We mostly work toward this goal through the hard and amazing work of our grants and scholarships committee. They have just announced the 23 winners of our Higher Education Scholarships for Christian Leaders, about whom you can read here. We have received 23 applications for our Matthew 25 Grants program; the winners will be announced by 11/15/24.
5/ Connecting Synods, Presbyteries, Churches, and Leaders
Our most basic approach to ministry is to bring people together to inspire, equip, and connect them for ministry. I’m writing this column right now while about 50 people from throughout the synod receive training to serve on Permanent Judicial Commissions. The Stated Clerks come together tomorrow and the Presbytery Leaders were together earlier in the week. Staff Member Tim Pollock has arranged for monthly zoom brown bag lunches to support Commissioned Ruling Elders/Commissioned Pastors. The Cultivating the Gift of Preaching Initiative brings participants together monthly in cohorts. The list goes on!
I’d be glad to talk with you if you have any questions about any of our work toward these goals, or if you have suggestions about how we can work toward them even more faithfully in 2025.
Grateful to be your partner in ministry,

Rev. Charles B Hardwick, PhD