August 4 - Preach at John Knox Church in N Olmsted, OH (Presbytery of the Western Reserve)
August 6-7 - Host Synod’s Presbytery Leaders/Stated Clerks in Monroe, MI (Maumee Valley Presbytery)
August 11 - Preach at Westminster Church in Akron, OH (Eastminster Presbytery)
August 13 - Preach at Eastminster Presbytery Meeting in Petersburg, OH
August 18 - Preach at First Church in Royal Oak, MI (Detroit Presbytery)
August 20 - Attend Scioto Valley Presbytery in Chillicothe, OH
August 22-23 - Preach at “Inspire: The Moment Is Now” Conference (held in Cincinnati Presbytery)
August 25 - Preach at Chandler, Fraser, and Kinde Churches (Lake Huron Presbytery)
If you would like Exec Chip Hardwick to come to your church or ministry to preach, teach, learn, or support, please contact him at chip@synodofthecovenant.org or 309-530-4578.