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PCUSA Regional Liaison to Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon Available to Visit Churches

The Synod of the Covenant

Updated: Jun 3, 2024

An Invitation from Rev. Dr. Elmarie Parker, PCUSA Liaison to Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon (5/18/24)

Pentecost Greetings to you! And praying this finds you well.


I’m writing to let you know that I’ll be in the Northeast Ohio area in early to mid-July. I would love to visit with any members of the Synod of the Covenant who might be interested in hearing some of the ways in which God is at work through the ministries of our many partners in the Middle East!


I will also have the privilege of traveling with two of my colleagues while I’m in Ohio and Western PA. Rev. Drs. Noah Park and Esther Shin are both mission coworkers teaching at the Evangelical Theological Seminary (ETSC) in Cairo. So, any gathered group could have the opportunity to also learn about their ministry and the ministry of ETSC. You may read more about them and their work here:


Indeed, our time in the Ohio area is limited, so we are seeing how best we can be in multiple places ☺. Our Sunday mornings are already committed, but we are available for midweek or Saturday gatherings. We will be in the Northeast Ohio area between July 7-18. We do already have a commitment for Thursday, July 11 in the evening, but other than that we are currently available the other days between July 7-18. We can meet for a conversation/presentation over a meal—breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Or at another time.


We are available to facilitate a presentation about the work our Lord is doing in and through his church in the Middle East (with PowerPoint) and meet with any type of interested groups (Bible Study groups, PW groups, Mission Committee, VBS programs, etc.). 

As well, you may recall that World Mission is not able to give us any kind of travel budget for our time of visiting with interested churches and groups during our time in the States.  So…we do ask churches/groups who invite us to speak to consider contributing to our travel expenses.  We work to share these expenses among all of the churches/groups with whom we are visiting over this period of time so that the burden is not too heavy on any one church.  In the past this has come to an average of $250 per church or group.  Some churches/groups give more and others less, but in the past, it has all worked out in the end…thanks be to God!  Of course, we come regardless!  Travel funds go towards domestic airfare/baggage fees, car rentals, insurance, fuel, simple meals while on the road, hotels when needed, and other related expenses.  We do record everything to IRS Standards and if there is any overage at the end of our time in the States, we submit that to our support/sending ECO (Extra Commitment Opportunity mission funding account).  We thank you in advance for considering this need.


I look forward to hearing back from you about the above possibilities, what sort of engagement(s) might be most helpful to those who are interested in gathering, and your thoughts on contributing towards our travel expenses.


And thank you for your all’s continuing prayers for our work and the work of our partners…it has been a deeply challenging season, and it is through prayers of many that our Lord continues to sustain us all.



In Christ’s Peace,



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