January 8 - Meet with Matt Aragon-Bruce to begin Cultivating the Gift of Preaching Initiative (Lansing)
January 11 - Lead Book Study at First Church Ashland, OH (Muskingum Valley Presbytery)
January 11 - Meet with Tim Pollock to begin Commissioned Ruling Elder Coordinator Ministry (Ashland)
January 20 - Offer Keynote at Partners in Education Event, Columbus OH (Scioto Valley Presbytery)
January 21 - Preach at Northminster Church in Springfield OH (Miami Valley Presbytery)
January 27 - Installation Service for Detroit Presbytery Leaders
January 30 - Synod Assembly (Zoom)
If you would like Exec Chip Hardwick to come to your church or ministry to preach, teach, learn, or support, please contact him at chip@synodofthecovenant.org or 309-530-4578.