Why We Need to Listen.
When I began this position as CRE Coordinator in January of this year, I expected I would be meeting with Presbytery leaders (which I have) to help develop resources and best practices for CRE training (I continue to do). But God needed me to hear something else. When talking with presbytery leaders about training and recruitment, the discussion would turn towards supervision and support. G-2.1004 reads, “A minister of Word and Sacrament shall be as a mentor and supervisor.” Though I had not planned to discuss this issue, many wondered how to even provide this requirement for CREs working within their bounds. I also have been receiving emails from those serving as CREs throughout the Synod who have expressed a lack of support and feelings of isolation serving in the bounds of their presbytery.
I went into conversations to discuss training and best practices. However, God needed me to hear somethings else.
It is clear that the issue of support for CREs currently serving a vitally important for all involved. Though I did not expect focus on the needs of support, mentorship, and supervision, God needs me to pay attention! In the short term, I will be sharing information of CRE support programs in the near future and would like to begin scheduling monthly virtual meetings for CREs to gather, to share, and to support one another in our Synod. I also plan to look at ways the Synod can support presbyteries to mentor and support their CREs. I do not know what this will look like at this time, but I need to listen to what God is revealing and to respond in faith.