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Chip Hardwick

From your Synod Executive

Updated: Oct 6, 2023

I received an article called “Ten Reasons Why Leading a Church Is Often More Complex than Leading a Business” from a friend in December. While its author Bob Russell and I could have a lively theological debate about a lot of topics, he’s put his finger on something important here. Some of his top reasons include “a cumbersome structure,” “murky goals,” and “the difficulty of venting frustrations appropriately,” all of which ring true to me.

We at the Synod work hard to support all of you church leaders in the midst of these challenges, and others left unsaid. That’s why we offered the virtual Christmas Service, so that you could have a well-earned Sabbath after a rigorous Advent. That’s why we have partnered with several ministries to plan a variety of workshops to equip you, such as Anti-Racism Training, Clergy Loneliness webinars, Boundaries Training, and The Church and Mental Health.

One offering I’m particularly excited about is the Leader’s Table, which we’ll be offering through The Missional Network. Renowned theologian and missiologist Alan Roxburgh will record videos and be present with cohorts meeting four times in the fall. Watch this space for a chance to learn more later this spring, and then to sign up for the cohorts for the fall.

Let me know how we can support you as you lead your people. Whether you are a member, pastor, ruling elder, deacon, commissioned ruling elder, or staff member, we want to serve you in these challenging times. God bless you throughout 2023!

Your partner in ministry,

Rev. Charles B Hardwick, PhD Executive, The Synod of the Covenant | 309-530-4578

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