Important Program Information
When does it begin?
The next cycle (Beta) of the Initiative will begin with the Alma Conference scheduled for June 12-16, 2025.
How do I apply?
The application process is live now and available here. We prefer that applications be submitted by March 15th, but will continue to accept applications on a rolling basis. For at least the first two years of the Initiative, we will solicit recommendations from presbytery leaders, asking each presbytery to recommend at least three individuals to be part of the Initiative. Potential participants will be sent information to apply. Please have your Executive presbyter or pastor contact the program director if you wish to be invited to apply.
What Does it Cost?
The cost of the program is minimal: $250 dollars per participant and $1000 for their sponsoring church or presbytery. An installment plan (for the church fee) and limited scholarships are available. This $1250 charge covers all the costs to participants of the Initiative (the annual conference, cohort meetings, books, etc.). The total cost per participant of the experience, funded by this grant, is more than $10,000.
Is the Cultivating the Gift of Preaching Initiative (CGPI) a CRE training program?
CREs (Commissioned Ruling Elders) are most welcome to apply to CGPI in order to further
develop their preaching skills and formation! However, CGPI is not a CRE training program. The
Initiative is adjacent or complementary to CRE training. CREs are called to serve a particular faith
community as their pastor. CREs are thus commissioned to not only preach, but to celebrate the
sacraments, lead the session, provide pastoral care, and more. The primary focus of CGPI is on
preaching and leading worship.