An ancient flame, a symbol of peace and hope, is coming to the Synod of the Covenant.

The journey begins in Bethlehem at a rock grotto at the Church of the Nativity. In this place believed to be the location of Jesus’ birth, the faithful have tended olive oil lamps continuously burning with the flame. These faithful pray for peace, wholeness, and hope in a weary world. The faithful give thanks for God’s incarnation of love through Jesus in the midst of struggle.
Each year, a child descends to these lamps in Bethlehem and lights a lantern. The flame is known as the Peace Light. The Peace Light is then flown in a special airplane safe lantern to Austria. The Peace Light is shared with delegations from around the world along with a message of peace. Scouting organizations are key in carrying the light to houses of worship, hospitals, food banks, nursing homes, and locations where peace is being prayed for and pursued all around the world. With the help of Austrian Airlines, a delegation from the western hemisphere brings the Peace Light to our nation where a network of volunteers spread the flame across North and South America.
Feeling a deep need for peace and friendship in these challenging times, we bring the Peace Light to the synod.
From a “Longest Night” worship service to cherished candlelight Christmas Eve worship services, the Peace Light offers our congregations a poignant connection to Jesus as the Light of the World during this season. As the Peace Light spreads throughout a worship space, the light of Christ we cradle in our hands may unite us where the story of God’s love began. At the same time, we join millions of others across the globe praying for peace in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank, Ukraine and Russia, as well as many other places.
The Peace Light will be available to congregations and individuals in the synod now through Epiphany. If you would like to receive the light, it will be available at The Bellbrook Presbyterian Church and The Oxford Presbyterian Church. (We encourage you to have a travel-safe container for the light.)
For more information, please feel free to contact Ruling Elder Sue Seiler of The Bellbrook Presbyterian Church (937.848.2043) or Rev. Lawrence Bartel of The Oxford Presbyterian Church (513.523.6364).
May the Peace of Christ fill our lives and our world.